Traveling in the northwestern United States

Brianne Parson
Senior - Campbellsville, KY - Music Ministry
Hannah Singleton Sophomore - Heaters, WV - Secondary Education
Alaina Parson
Junior - Campbellsville, KY - Music Ministry
Anna Collins
Senior - Newport, NC - Music Ministry

Monday, August 3, 2009

Headed home...

As we return home and reflect on the entire summer, we are overwhelmed at how our Lord has blessed us. He has taught us many lessons and has used many of His people to encourage and bless us. It is amazing to see what the Lord is doing through His people! Yet, it is staggering to see the need and the work still to be done in our own country and neighboring Canada. Over the summer, we have grown to love each other and thank the Lord for the bond that He gave us early on. We are grateful to Pastor and Mrs. Sexton for sending us out west this summer and we thank others who have helped us prepare: Mr. Gordon, Bro. Gray, Mrs. Sengmany and Bro. Cheney. We have enjoyed serving our Savior together and pray that He will continue to use our lives for His glory and honor. Please pray for the Morlans as they embark on a new season of ministry in their lives. We thank all of you- friends and family who have kept up with us and prayed for us. May God bless you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Second Baptist Church

Pastor Gary Satterfield
Festus, MO

Sunday evening's service was very bittersweet for our group. After 12 weeks of traveling across the northwest United States and southwest Canada, we have come to the end of the summer. At our last service we were welcomed by the pastor and members of the church. Several Crown students have called this church home, and we were glad to also meet some who are planning on attending this fall. We're so thankful for the Spirit of the Lord that is so evident here. We hope that this ministry will continue to do great things for God in Festus.

Lighthouse Baptist Church

Pastor Hylton Lawrence
Independance, MO

As we arrived at Lighthouse Baptist, we were greeted by Pastor Lawrence, who instantly made us feel right at home. Pastor Lawrence actually used to be Hannah's pastor in West Virginia when she was a little girl. We joined the Lawrence family for a meal at Cracker Barrel, where Pastor had everyone sing happy birthday to Hannah, who turned 19 the day before.

The Lord has given this church such a great spirit, and we were put right at ease by the pastor. Bro. Derrick preached in the Sunday School hour and was greatly encouraged by the enthusiasm of the people. The church is approaching its 7th anniversary and has seen great growth in the lives of its members. God has blessed us through Pastor Lawrence and we were so thankful that we were able to have our last morning service at this church.

Everyone "shakes hands" at Lighthouse Baptist