Traveling in the northwestern United States

Brianne Parson
Senior - Campbellsville, KY - Music Ministry
Hannah Singleton Sophomore - Heaters, WV - Secondary Education
Alaina Parson
Junior - Campbellsville, KY - Music Ministry
Anna Collins
Senior - Newport, NC - Music Ministry

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

South Haven Christian School

Springfield, TN
Dr. Steve Blazer

Tuesday morning we had the opportunity to be in a chapel at South Haven Christian School. The chapel service went very well and we had a wonderful reception from the students. It was a great blessing to get to meet and talk to some of the students who are praying about coming to Crown this fall.
Afterwords, Bro. Blazer took us out to lunch with some of the students and we enjoyed getting to know them better. Thank you, Bro. Blazer for your hospitality and allowing us to come into your school.


  1. Great pictures, wonderful to follow you daily, we are praying for you as you go. Mrs Wilerson had a baby boy- Timothy.

  2. It's great to see how the Lord is working in each of your lives. It's been awesome so far to see what you've been up to! You are all in my prayers! =)

  3. Hello Friends!
    I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and love each of you so much! The Lord is going to use you all in a tremendous way this Summer. (Jeremiah 33:3) I'm looking forward to reading your blog and keeping in touch. Hope you have an absolutely wonderful rest of the day! May God abundantly bless you as seek to please Him.

    Love you bunches!
    Grace Manning

    PS. You all look lovely in your outfits and I love your pictures!

  4. Praying for you today as your in Ft Scott,remember last year and the bed & breakfast. Greet the Stines for us and the Edens, we stayed in their little cottage.
