Traveling in the northwestern United States

Brianne Parson
Senior - Campbellsville, KY - Music Ministry
Hannah Singleton Sophomore - Heaters, WV - Secondary Education
Alaina Parson
Junior - Campbellsville, KY - Music Ministry
Anna Collins
Senior - Newport, NC - Music Ministry

Monday, June 22, 2009

Metro Baptist Church

Burnaby, BC Canada
Pastor Russell MackayThe Lord really gave us a treat this past week with the privilege of staying in Pastor Mackay's house while he and his wife were on vacation in Hawaii. It is not often that we are able to stay long in one place, so it was such a luxury to stay in this lovely home for five nights in a row! We are so grateful to this generous family for giving us their home for the week and we were doubly blessed on Sunday morning by the warm reception we received in their church. We were so impressed by how Pastor Mackay's children helped set up the church in the community center where they meet, and his daughters played piano and keyboard for the service. All the fathers were given a Tim Horton's gift certificate (a popular breakfast cafe in Canada) and after we sang, Bro. Derrick preached a great message to challenge Fathers to live a godly life before their children. There were several children in the service, and we enjoyed getting to talk to some of the people before having a delicious lunch with the Mackays and the assistant pastor, Bro. Josh and his wife. Again, we thank you, Pastor Mackay and your lovely family, for being kind enough to share your house and allow us a break from moving. We pray God will continue to bless your ministry in greater Vancouver.

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